In my personal experience, I think there are three especially important factors which have enabled me to “make it” through seminary, to date. The first is found in relationships, particularly, in the creation of smaller groups of friends within the seminary community who end up serving to support and encourage you as well as to provide you with affirmation and the sometimes needed “kick in the pants.”
The second is found in prayer. I recall when I was accepted as a seminarian for Louisville that the late Archbishop Kelly told me to do one thing in seminary: pray! Wonderful and sage counsel, I believe.
The third is found in an openness to self-discovery. Even at my rather mature age, I still find myself learning about gifts which God has blessed me with as well as the limitations which I possess. A famous American politician once said, “I am not a perfect servant…as I develop and serve, be patient with me. God is not finished with me yet.” How true for all of us and maybe especially for those preparing for and engaged in ministry.
Oh yeah----and have fun! Noone likes an overly earnest seminarian or a priest with a smile which threatens to break his face. Next week: a review of recent events here at Sacred Heart School of Theology. Until then…
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