(1) The first is the title of the opening chapter "The Master's Journey." (This is the reason the teacher gave the book for me to read). I find myself unnecessarily expecting myself to be absolutely perfect at a task the instant that I undertake it. As evidenced by the self-improvement commercials between Christmas and New Year's, we always expect immediate and successful and quick results. The way of mastering any task is long and hard and arduous. There is no shortcut to the way. In fact, the book is helping me to see that the way of mastery is a lifelong process that ends only at one time, your departure into the eternal kingdom. I am trying to begin to enjoy the journey of learning with all the setbacks and "dry-times." This is where life is lived. I have to keep telling myself to "Enjoy the Journey."
(2) On page 28, this quote caught my attention: "Every time we spend money, we make a statement about what we value." The things that we "want" can sometimes possess our thoughts and mind. If I were writing this statement to say "Every time we spend TIME......." because I ask myself this question often..."How am I spending my time? Is it the way that the Lord would be satisfied?"
I just realized that I need to put both #1 and #2 together! I should be spending my time effectively by enjoying the life journey that the Lord has provided for me. HE has given all of us so much to enjoy, so much to live, and such much for our ultimate happiness. I need to wake up and enjoy the Journey.
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