Monday, September 24, 2012

Taking time to reflect...

Each semester at my school, we spend one Friday Evening and a Friday Evening through Saturday morning in a period of reflection or mini-retreat. These miniature retreats give the seminary community a chance to pray together in silence with the Lord and take a break from the busy schedule. I must admit that many times I have found myself thinking "I have so much reading to get done, that I don't have time to reflect." After the period of reflection though, I always find a peace and a new nugget of faith that sustains. It always pays great dividends to spend time with the Lord and allow him to dialogue with us in prayer.

This past Friday night was one such opportunity. Fr. McKnight, who works for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, gave us a great reflection upon this upcoming "Year of Faith" which Pope Benedict has announced. For one particular part of the reflections, Father made reference to the "Elijah and the Broom Tree" story (see 1 Kings 19:1-8). Elijah is depicted as laying under this tree in utter despair of his life troubles. He asks the Lord to take his life and be done with him. An Angel of the Lord comes to Elijah not once, not twice, but three times to nourish him for the next part of his journey.

You know that we have all heard this story many, many times. But, we are continually nourished and enriched by the same story countless times because we are never the same person. We are constantly changing and growing. I believe that is what this story is speaking to me. We are on a continuous journey and God continues to nourish and feed us for the next part of the journey. Many times, we all have said "Enough Lord, Enough." If we are patient and faithful, the LORD will always answer that plea with whatever is needed so that we might continue on to our heavenly destiny.

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