Monday, November 26, 2012


For Thanksgiving, I traveled to South Carolina to spend the holiday with them. I met six of my 3rd cousins for the first time. I had a great time visiting with them and eating two (2) Thanksgiving dinners!

On the journey to their house, I listened to a couple of homilies of Monsignor Charles Pope. Father Pope is the pastor of Holy Comforter-St Cyprian about 10 blocks east of the Capitol Building.

His homily entitled "Give me Jesus" was one that I would like to share with you. Here is the link to his entire homily, if my summary leaves you HUNGRY:

The main thrust of the homily is our human desires. Each one of us has many desires for many things. Most of these desires are necessary for our own survival. In fact, Fr. Pope points out that all of our desires are good. But, here comes the unfortunate news.......our desires are misguided because of sin.

The example that stuck with me so much was the one for hunger. Every time that we eat, that hunger comes back again; and usually that hunger comes back very quickly Even when I ate two Thanksgiving dinners and three rounds of dessert, the hunger did return. Our hunger is never satisfied with anything on Earth.

"Our desires are never satisfied; they are limitless."

"Never be satisfied with our earthly existence."

Our hunger for food, material things, clothing, electronics, automobiles, etc will never be satisfied. There is only One that can satisfy and even overwhelm our human desires with Heavenly Blessings. May God continue to bless you and your family.

Monday, November 19, 2012

This Place Runs on Faith...

For several weeks, a constant theme has been running through my head that I need to share after hearing the Saturday Nov 10 reading from St. Paul Addressed to the Philippians. The entire reading was Philippians 4: 10-19, but in particular here are the verses 16 and 17 that most resonated with my thoughts and reminded me of you:

“For even when I was at Thessalonica you sent me something for my needs, not only once but more than once. It is not that I am eager for the gift; rather, I am eager for the profit that accrues to your account.”

Because of your generosity and faith, my seminary is able to operate and function. Because of your faith, I am able to go to school, purchase books, and put gas in my car. Because of your conviction, me and all of my seminarian brothers are able to be well fed, turn on the lights, live in a place of prayer, reflection, and learning.

This seminary and every seminary we use runs on the faith of you, the People of God in the Archdiocese of Louisville. I am so thankful for that faith. I am so humbled by that faith you show which inspires me to grow more in holiness and faith. It gives me the strength and encouragement to continue on this journey that you and the LORD have entrusted in me.

From Philipians 4:18:

“I have received full payment and I abound. I am very well supplied because of what I received from you through Epaphroditus, ‘a fragrant aroma,’ an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

I think that I can speak on behalf of all the Louisville Seminarians in saying that we are so Thankful for each one of you, for your prayers, kindness, and generosity. I thank God for the great gifts HE continues to bestows on each of us. May we continue to use the Gifts of God for the Glory of His Kingdom and the help of His children. Amen.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


In each of the priest's Liturgy of the Hours books, there is a poetry section that allows for reflection on the word of God in multiple ways. I have to admit that I have not used many of the poems in the back for prayer and reflection. But, the other day before evening prayer, I was compelled to go to that section. I turned to the following poem by Joseph Mary Plunkett which has provided me with a couple thoughts that I would like to share:

I Saw the Sun at Midnight, Rising Red

I saw the Sun at Midnight, rising red,
Deep-hued yet glowing, heavy with the stain
Of blood-compassion, and I saw it gain
Swiftly in size and growing till It spread
Over the stars; the heavens bowed their head
As from Its heart slow dripped a crimson rain,
Then a great tremor shook It, as of pain---
The night fell, moaning, as It hung there dead.

O Sun, O Christ, O bleeding Heart of flame!
Thou giv'st Thine agony as our life's worth,
And mak'st infinite, lest we have dearth
Of nights wherewith to call upon thy Name;
Thou pawnest Heaven as a pledge for Earth,
And for our glory sufferest all shame.

(1) blood-compassion: The compassion that Jesus has for us is beyond any human comprehension. That compassion was shown for us in the gift of the Incarnation, Jesus coming to and release us from the sins of our own choices and return us back to the Heavenly Kingdom

(2) heavens bowed their head: I imagine all the host of Heaven in agony but knowing the the plan of God will prevail.

(3) our life's worth: God treats us as His children, his very own. He restores and gives our life such immense worth that He sends His own Son to reform our nature.

(4) a great tremor shook: All of creation moaned and groaned at the crucifixion. One might think of this moaning as terrible and a loss. But, it could be creation moaning at the fact that the great pain is now reversed and life begins again in Christ

(5) of nights to call upon your name: Not one of us knows how many nights and days that we have remaining in our Earthly journey. Whatever ones we have left should try to remember the great gift of Jesus Christ.

I have returned to this poem several times this week and have seen things from many different angles. Something different hits me each time and in a different way. May the Lord continue to bless each one of us and lead us on our own journey. May we be granted more courage to follow. Amen.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

No Religion

Almost a month ago now, the PEW Foundation ( released a recent study proclaiming that one out of five adults do not have any religious affiliation. After the release of that study on October 9, every media outlet that I check regularly was featuring that heading prominently. Even several days after that, the headline was still featured as a 'most popular' link on one website.

The reason I bring this up is because of the impeccable timing of the Holy Spirit. Two days after this research study was released began the "Year of Faith" declared by Pope Benedict XVI. Over the next 13 months, the pope is calling upon Catholics to renew their own faith and continue (or begin) to allow our lives to speak to the words of Christ. The Holy Spirit, or us for that matter, did not require an extensive research study that people are choosing to allow God to drift out of their lives.

As baptized Christians, we can see the research study as a "call to action." The things we agree on as baptized Christians monumentally outweighs the disagreements that exist. Jesus Christ came to redeem our sins and save us from material, human choices that turn us away. Our communities of faith, hope, and charity are so crucial to us; Let us not fail to spread that message to all that surround us....... because......

Because, in another study by PEW and PBS, they found that 68% of adults who considered themselves 'unaffiliated with religion DO BELIEVE IN GOD. They just need to see how Christ can fully change their lives.

Joel 2:12-13 Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing.

The entire text of the Pew Research Document can be found on the website.

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